Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pelvic Pain too Young

  I have recently been diagnosed with Chronic Pelvic Pain disorder. Doctors are not sure what the cause of the pain is but they are trying different types of treatments to help with the pain. I also have severe incontinence which is treatable with surgery. In my life I have had two children and one of them was a long delivery whether or not that could have caused an issue later on in life is not clear. So here I am at the young age of 33 and about to have bladder sling surgery and then they want to place a pacemaker on my nerves to help control my bladder. Its not clear these surgeries will help with the pain but they can help with other issues I am having. With that said it is not the reason I went to these doctors in the first place. I wanted help with my pain and make it so I no longer suffer. I am not one to have surgery for the hell of it and just allow any old quake to open me up. However the pain is never the same all the time. Some days it feels like I am about to have another baby and other times its dull but still there. Its a nightmare due to I feel no one really understands how I feel. They say surgery will only help partly. Well what about the rest of the issues?  They think I may just may be depressed and they put me on pills for that as well. I still feel no change to my mood and I still have the pain. Its like having a conversation with myself when it comes to talking with health care providers they ask me the same questions every time. The answers never change they type my answers into the computer and yet they still go over all the same things every time I see them. No answers can be given just more pills to take and more surgeries they can try. You start to feeling like you are losing your mind after you see everyone who can  help with the condition and still nothing else can be done. I am currently going to physical therapy and there has been no change. Not sure any thing can help me at this point other then death. This pain did not just come on its been going on for over 4 years now. I have not talked about this pain much in over the years due to I did not want to become a guinea pig of medicine. I feel that is what I have become a guinea pig. I was told by one doctor there is no cure for this and I could be dealing with this for the rest of my life. All I could think is  "Who the hell wants to live in this pain for the rest of their life? I sure don't." This is not how I wanted the rest of life to go on like; taking pill after pill to make it through the day. Half the time I don't even take the pills because the doctors don't like to hand out pain pills to people. So I try to make the bottles last months when really it could only last me weeks. Lately I have been wanting to just give up on this battle, they call this depression; I call it just don't want to deal with the pain any more. There is an example of what the pain is like image having a knife in your pelvic you can't remove. No matter what you do you are in pain. Standing makes it hurt, walking makes it hurt, running you can't even bare to think about it it hurts so bad, and sex forget about it your better off becoming a nun.  If there is any one out there who is dealing with same thing I would love to hear from you. I need to know I am not alone in this battle for a better life. Please leave comments for me, ask questions or talk to me on how you deal with your pain.